things to know | candle & melt care

things to know | candle & melt care

candle care

place your candle on a stable, heat resistant surface away from flammable objects and drafts.

always make sure to trim the wick of your candle to 1/4 inch prior to lighting.

for your first burn, you should allow your candle to burn until the wax melt pool reaches the sides of the jar. normally, 3-4 hours.

do not burn your candle for more than 3-4 hours at a time.

stop burning your candle when 1/2 inch of wax remains at the bottom of the jar. if wanted, place remaining candle (unlit) on a plate melter.

keep candles out of the reach of children and pets.

never leave a burning candle unattended; be sure to extinguish the candle before leaving the room.

cover your candle after it has cooled to preserve scent.

all of these tips will help extend the life and quality burn of your candle.

melt care

place your wax melter in a stable position away from drafts and flammable objects.

when using wickless candles or melts, do not light, add water or warm on stove.

use wax melter for no longer than 4 hours at a time.

replace wax when the scent has faded.

wax and container can get very hot. do not touch or move until completely cooled.

keep hot wax and melters out of the reach of children and pets.

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